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Seo Full Syllabus and Start Learning & Earning Now

Category: Seo, Web Development Tags: , by

What is SEO ?

SEO means Search Engine Optimization. In Offline World, We do marketing our product in different form e.g. poster, banner, TV ad and Other so on.. If you do it for online website or product or any service it will be SEO. Introducing your product through Search Engine. It may include offline marketing your product or online Blog commenting , forum posting Etc

Qualification Needed to learn SEO
There is no academic Qualification Needed to Learn SEO. Just you have to understand the Customers psychology, Some Basic knowledge of HTML and Some necessary research

Place of Learning
In Online There are so many resources where you can learn SEO. google Webmasters blog, different forum sites are available. আপনি যদি বাংলায় এসইও সম্পর্কে জানতে চান তবে দেখতে পারেন নিচের লিংকটি

সার্চ ইঞ্জিন অপটিমাইজেশস

SEO Full Syllabus

SEO Analysis of Website
Website Analysis
SEO Competition Analysis
Keyword Research
Keyword Finalize
Search Engine Optimization Strategy Analysis
Initial Ranking analysis

On page SEO Optimization
Website Structure Optimization
Content Optimization
Image Optimization
HTML code optimization
Meta tag creation & optimization
HTML Sitemap creation
Web master tools
Analytics Setup & Monitoring
Robots.txt Optimization
RSS Feed Generation

Off Page SEO Optimization
Google Base Optimization
Reputation building
Book marking
SEO Content writing
Quality link building
Article submissions
Press Release Creation
Blog commenting
Forum posting

Social Media Optimization & Marketing
Social bookmarking
Social Networking Profiles creations
Social Networking Profile Optimizations
Content Sharing Optimization
Video Optimizations
Social media advertising (PPC)
Blog Optimization

Search Engine Marketing
Slide submission
Pay per click (PPC) campaigns
Search Engine Marketing Research
Video Marketing
Image marketing
Reputation Building
Authority building
Trust building
Relationship building
Profile optimization
Profile building

Conversion Optimization
Conversion analysis
Conversion Tracking
Conversion Creation
Conversion building
CTR Improvements tactics
ROI conversion optimization

About Post: 134

a full time blogger

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