Home » Facebook Tips » Change facebook page name 200+ likes

9 years ago (Jul 19, 2015) 10,083 views

Change facebook page name 200+ likes

Category: Facebook Tips Tags: , , , , , , , , by

Now you can easily change your facebook page name which has 200+ likes..

Facebook officially give this opportunity to page Admin..

If your page has small amount of like and which is more then 200 [ 10K,20K] you can change your page name in admin mode..

How can I Change facebook page name which has 200+ likes:

to Chnage facebook page name which has 200+ likes you have to follow this steps..

  • Go to https://www.facebook.com/*******/info [In the place of “*****” you have to post your facebook page user name]


I have a page which facebook link is http://facebook.com/afjalurrana and it hase more then 200+ likes

Now if I want to change the page name I have to follow this link “http://facebook.com/afjalurrana/info”

  • At the side of name section we will get “Edit” option.. Click on edit or follow this link with your own user name to get edit option directly => https://www.facebook.com/********/info?section=name&viewย  [At the place ofย  ***** you need to input your page url]

Chnage facebook page name which has 200+ likes

  • Now you need to input a new name and click on “Save changes”
  • Now your page name will be updated.. ๐Ÿ˜€


But if you have a big page which has a huge amount of like [40K+] you cannot change your page name by following this process .. But don’t be upset you have another way..

  • By going to https://www.facebook.com/******/info?section=name&view[******=Your page user name] You need to selcet the option “Request Change

Chnage facebook page name which has 200+ likes

  • From the next page by following the instruction you can change the page name .. Or you can see this post to know how to fill up information at the next page :

    How to change facebook page name after 200 likes[For big pages]

  • Now you have to wait 3-4 days and if facebook wants some necessary info you have to provide them ๐Ÿ™‚

By following this way you change facebook page name 200+ likes ๐Ÿ™‚


Stay with trickbd.co for more ๐Ÿ™‚


About Post: 134

Love to play with programs!! :D

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