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10 years ago (Jul 02, 2015) 9,499 views

Grameenphone closed sim offer 2015- Gp bondho sim offer 2015

Category: Grameenphone, Operator News Tags: , , , by

For check you are under this promotional offer or not just sent a message by using your gp sim as like

May 017********[your closed sim number] and sent sms to 9999


If you get a return sms like

“The customer is eligible for Free Facebook and Buy Starter data Pack and Get 2 GB Free offer” then you are eligible for claiming this offer




Offer information:

*Offer duration is 7th may to next official announcement.

*For claiming this offer you need to recharge taka 29.After recharge you will get free facebook access for 1 month from the recharge dat[You can increase the validity by recharging again]

*If you want 2GB free internet then you have to by 75mb starter pack first.. For purchasing this pack goto message and write  75MB and sent a sms to 5000[30taka+ vat will be deduced from account]

*Within 72 hours you will get 2 Gb free ineternet after buying 75 mb starter pack


Get 2gb gp free net any times you want:

Grammenphone announced that customer will get 2 Gb free internet once a month with 75 mb starter pack

But You will get 2Gb free internet everytime when you by 75mB starter pack not once a month [Bug of their system :p ]


So if you have a closed gp sim you can get huge amount of internet data for free if you want..


Stay connected with technology & stay connected with trickbd 🙂

About Post: 134

Love to play with programs!! :D

35 responses to “Grameenphone closed sim offer 2015- Gp bondho sim offer 2015”

  1. বারবার নেয়ার প্রসেসটাও লেখেন :3

  2. Dipto222 Dipto222 says:

    Nice offer…thanx for share.

  3. Sumon Sumon says:

    thanx for the information

  4. rabiul50 says:

    ami may mase akber 2gb paise ….akon ki oi sim diyai aber ami pabo

  5. Rana says:

    hmm paben… taka recharge kore “75MB” likhe “5000” e smskorun @rabiul50

  6. rabiul50 says:

    40 hours over but kono sms ase ni ….@rana vai@

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