Home » Android » How To boost Android RAM to 2.5 GB.

9 years ago (Jul 14, 2015) 5,523 views

How To boost Android RAM to 2.5 GB.

Category: Android Tags: , , by

What Surprised? 😛 There is nothing to be surprised 🙂 Because i am NesaR & i Again Back 😀 Now You can easily boosted your Android Ram to 2.5GB 😉 So let’s start 😛

That you will need ↓↓

1) Android Phone [Rooted]
2) A Class 8 microSD memory card [The minimum should be 8MBPS Speed]
3) Ram Expander. [Click Hare For Download]

Now Install & Open The App. if your memory card is 4GB, You can select the size of the swap with a maximum 512 active Soup to Enable. if your memory card is 8GB, You can select the size of the swap with a maximum 850 active Soup to Enable. Will create a swap file will start. It will take some time according to the size of the swap. Do not do anything else at this point. Soyapinesa any value from 0 to 100, and you can use. 0 The virtual memory/random access memory will not use! The rest of the increase will be used to Logo more. If the swap file to be able to increase your virtual random access memory and the swap file on your Android will be used as additional random access memory. Done.

Warning ↓↓

1) Swap any way to run a state, do not remove the memory card.
2) That will create a swap file on the memory card, it will not be deleted.
3) It is very simple and safe procedure. However, if a problem with your Android in just his responsibility.

Hope you understand. Please comment on the issue. And very soon you will come up with a new trick. Stay our site. 😉

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i am only one alone parson in the world.

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  6. Great News

    This story was very interesting. Thank you.

  7. Great News

    This story was very interesting. Thank you.

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