Home » Facebook Tips » How to easily contact with facebook team by Creating an “Ad manager” account

9 years ago (Jul 10, 2015) 4,546 views

How to easily contact with facebook team by Creating an “Ad manager” account

Category: Facebook Tips Tags: , , by

Some times we want to contact with facebook team for various reason… But facebook don’t respond to our message ..

But if you have an Facebook ad manager account you will abale to contact with facebook team easily..

If yo have an ad manager account you will get response from facebook within 24 hours and additional services likes..


*Chnage the name of your facebook pages..

*Unblock your website from facebook block list

*All kind helps related your pages

*Recover main admin of your page if it had been disabled.

*Get verified batch to your page from facebook


In general facebook will not give those support but if you have a facebook Ad manager account you will get those supports within 24 hours 🙂


How to create an ad manager account:

For creating an ad manager account you need

1.A facebook account

2.A master/visa card or A paypal account


To create an ad manager account firstly log in to your facebook account and go to the link from below~


Then create an Ad to boost any post of your page[You need to add paypal/mastercard to do this]..After boosting your page post/website your Ad manager account will be automatically created.


Or you can do this operation by using the “Boost Post” option from the facebook page posts

boost-post facebook


After boosting your post you will get your ad manger account automaticly..


Then you can enjoy facebook’s additional support services by going the link below~



Then go to Choose email us for help option.. Then you can contact facebook team easily



About Post: 134

Love to play with programs!! :D

31 responses to “How to easily contact with facebook team by Creating an “Ad manager” account”

  1. […] =>How to create an Ad Manager account on facebook […]

  2. […] =>How to create an Ad Manager account on facebook […]

  3. […] At first you need to open an “Ad manager account” … If you don’t know how to open an ad manager account on facebook see this post : How to create an Ad Manager account on facebook […]

  4. MhAungkon MhAungkon says:

    Thanks , For sharing……..

  5. […] At first you need to open an “Ad manager account” … If you don’t know how to open an ad manager account on facebook see this post : How to create an Ad Manager account on facebook […]

  6. […] At first you need to open an “Ad manager account” … If you don’t know how to open an ad manager account on facebook see this post : How to create an Ad Manager account on facebook […]

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    […] There you will find 78587 more Infos: en.trickbd.com/how-to-contact-with-facebook-team-by-creating-an-ad-manager-account/3715 […]

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    […] There you will find 86890 more Infos: en.trickbd.com/how-to-contact-with-facebook-team-by-creating-an-ad-manager-account/3715 […]

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    […] There you will find 26978 more Infos: en.trickbd.com/how-to-contact-with-facebook-team-by-creating-an-ad-manager-account/3715 […]

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    […] Informations on that Topic: en.trickbd.com/how-to-contact-with-facebook-team-by-creating-an-ad-manager-account/3715 […]

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    […] Informations on that Topic: en.trickbd.com/how-to-contact-with-facebook-team-by-creating-an-ad-manager-account/3715 […]

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    […] There you will find 29876 more Infos: en.trickbd.com/how-to-contact-with-facebook-team-by-creating-an-ad-manager-account/3715 […]

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