
How to unblock website from facebook block list

Sometimes our website get blocked by facebook team.. So that we cannot post our site link on facebook šŸ™

It shows an error message like below

So now step by step I will show you How to unblock website from facebook block list..Then you can able to post website link again šŸ˜‰


Step 1:

At first you need to open an ā€œAd manager accountā€ ā€¦ If you donā€™t know how to open an ad manager account on facebook see this post : How to create an Ad Manager account on facebook


Step 2:

Then then you need to go to ~

then select Contact us via email option from below..

Or you can directly get the option by following this link ~

Now you can contact to facebook by email by using your ad manager account.. Which you created in step 1.

Step 3:

You will get many options.. from the list you need to select ā€œCreating ā€“ Editing my adsā€

Step 4:

Now you will get some options.. fill them carefully ..

=>Select your ad manager account

=>Give your name

=>Give your email

=>Give your mobile number

=>Give your business name

=>And at the last add url option give the link when you post your link and facebook gives you block warning..At the last you will see a link ā€œLet Us knowā€ copy and paste the link at the add url box.

Step 6:

At the ā€œPlease let us know how can assist youā€ box.. copy & paste this message including your own website

My website link is http://*****.com(your site link)
When I try to publish any post with this website it shows an error.. So I canā€™t publish any post which has the website link šŸ™

So I canā€™t advertise with facebook..

My website isnā€™t a spam or scam website.. Its a ***[your site base ]based popular website in ****[your country] šŸ™‚

Error Screenshot added below..


Step 6:

Now take the screenshot of the error[Which contains you canā€™t post the link because it has a blocked link]Ā  that you get when you try to post the linkā€¦ Upload it any image hosting.. And give the direct link of the screenshot in the last box..

Then press ā€œsubmitā€


If you do all the step carefully you will get an instant automatic email in the email which you gave at the step 4.. If you donā€™t get any instant email there is a problem on your process.. You need to do the same process carefully again šŸ™‚


Then wait up to 24 hours.. An expert from facebook team will contact you soon through your emailā€¦And if they need further information they will ask you to provide it..And then after checking your website if they found it is now harmful they will unblock your website ..


Then you can post your site link on facebook and advertise your website with facebook šŸ˜€

Stay with for more cool šŸ™‚