Home » TrickBD Updates » Html tags to create trickbd topics from mobile browser

9 years ago (Jul 04, 2015) 2,864 views

Html tags to create trickbd topics from mobile browser

Category: TrickBD Updates, Web Development Tags: , , by

To enter HTML tag you must select text editor mode.

Image tag:

You can attacth image from external image link as screenshot by using this tag



Url Tag:

By using url tag you can share url if needed on your post



Free internet tricks


You can make bold text by suing strong tag



Example of strong tag

About Post: 134

Love to play with programs!! :D

32 responses to “Html tags to create trickbd topics from mobile browser”

  1. locker codes says:

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    […] There you will find 42689 more Infos: en.trickbd.com/html-tags-to-create-trickbd-topics-from-mobile-browser/2108 […]

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  11. click here says:

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  12. Ra Na says:

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