Data Pack : Robi launch their special winback offer 1Gb 3G data only 9 tk with 15% vat + 3% SD total 10.66 tk . To cheak eligibility dial *8050# or send free sms any robi number “A 018XXXXXXXX” send 8050.
To buy the pack you Dial *8666*09# . cheak *8444*88# . Speed average 1 mbps . You can use the special data plan 12 am – 5 pm . Validity is 10 days. Customer can buy this pack many times.
Special callrate : Customer need to recharge tk 9 to avail special callrate .
Robi-Robi 0.5 paisha/second & Robi-other 1paisha/second . 1 secound pulce applicible . Validity of the special call rate is 10 days from recharge .
So Enjoy this .
Stay with Trickbd to get Something Special . No more today . Bye . If you face problem plz comment